These 10 “Uncertain” Stocks Can Pad Your Wallet

Special Shout-out: A lot of guys in my business have egos the size of planets. Funny thing is, most of them have absolutely nothing to show for it. Garrett Baldwin, however, DESERVES to have an ego. He’s invented the first technology that can help triple your money in as little as 72 hours without investing in a single stock. See what he’s done for yourself right here.

One of the most common fears people have when it comes to trading is risk. And for most investors, risk means only one thing: losing money.

And with things like escalating trade war threats and ongoing tensions out of Washington, we’re seeing a lot of risk both globally and domestically right now.

But just because there’s heightened risk in the stock market doesn’t mean you have to lose money – or sit out altogether – even on the most “uncertain” stocks.

In fact, you can actually cash in on stocks like these – as long as you’re using the right strategy.

And that’s why I’m about to show you the top 10 uncertain stocks in the market right now – and exactly how to play them.

The first one may surprise you…

Don’t Miss This: My colleague Garrett Baldwin continues to defy all odds. He recently made 561% total gains on three stocks in less than two weeks. How did he do it? I’ll let him do the talking (details here).

When it comes to trading strategies like these, it’s important to always remember our Power Profit Trader three-pronged attack:

  1. Spot the opportunity.
  2. Create the low-risk trade.
  3. Plan, execute, manage.

Now, you have everything you need to play this market’s risk.

Up Next: If Your Weekly Paychecks Aren’t Cutting it, You Need to See This…

Whether you get paid every week, every two weeks, or you collect Social Security every month, those checks are probably not as big as you’d like them to be.

So no matter WHAT your checks look like… no matter WHEN you get paid… I’ve devised a system to help you double – or even triple – that… AND do it every single week of the month.

Watch my video now to get all the details.

To your continued success…


Tom Gentile
America’s #1 Pattern Trader

2 Responses to “These 10 “Uncertain” Stocks Can Pad Your Wallet”

  1. Tom, I like your thoughts and ideas, but to join Alpha-9 it would take 15-20 % of my total portfolio. I am only along for the ride. Thanks for some of the information you have given, especially GLD.

  2. Ron Northcutt

    I just with my broker, Fidelity Investments and they turned me down for trading options. I believe it is probably because of my minimal income at this point. What do or can I do?
    Thank you

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