Category: Rules-Based Trading

The First Essential Step to Becoming a Master Trader

One of the best ways to create the life of your dreams is by trading.

That said, you can’t just throw some money at the market and hope for the best. There’s more to it than that…

Your trading success is determined by your approach and the actions you take – or don’t take, for that matter. That’s why I want to show you the steps you need to take to become a great trader.

Today marks the start of a brand-new, four-part Power Profit Trades series. I’m pulling aside the curtain and showing you exactly how to build an abundant, stress-free life.

Over the next four weeks, I am going to detail the most important steps to trading mastery. By the end, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start trading your way to the life you’ve always wanted.

And that’s not all…

I’m going to give you the chance to put that knowledge into action with an opportunity to double your money at the end of this four-part series.

So, let’s get to it.

To become a trading master, this is the first step you need to take

The Unabridged Guide to Living the Abundant Life of Your Dreams

I recently came across an article about the “eight financial laws of happiness.”

In it, the author outlines research claiming that the happiest retirees have applied these so-called financial laws to their lives.

Now some of the article was right on track. But many of the claims had me shaking my head.

You see, most people on the planet believe wholeheartedly that making money – the kind that doesn’t leave you hanging until the next paycheck – is hard, and that a wealthy lifestyle is simply out of reach.

Never mind the fact that everyone’s definition of wealth varies, depending on their lifestyles and needs…

Articles like this come from so-called “experts” who don’t actually have what they want, either, and end up robbing many people of the fulfilling retirement they deserve.

And I just can’t let this kind of constricted thinking stand.

So here’s the unedited truth about what you need to do for an abundant life

The Best Way to Protect Yourself in a Recession-Spurred Market

August has been a month full of news headlines – and not the ones people want to see…

U.S.-China trade war, Chinese currency issues, tensions in the middle east, Fed funds interest rate changes… You name it, it’s probably been flashing across the financial news networks this month.

To say that the markets have been volatile as a result would be an understatement. The paddles of market-moving news have produced short-term shifts over 4%, causing many investors to lose a ton of money.

Fear of a global recession is catching fire in this market, and the barrage of breaking financial news is accelerating it. But you can’t let that fear keep you on the sidelines.

Your wallet doesn’t have to burn in the fire of recession fears. These volatile conditions mean that there’s opportunity out there… when you know where to look.

This is exactly where the moneymaking opportunities are hiding

The Secret to a Living a Stress-Free and Abundant Retirement

A Note from Tom: Before you dive into today’s issue about retirement, I highly suggest you see my latest Masterclass. In it, I reveal the truth you need to know about your current retirement plan – and the one thing that could cost you BIG TIME if you don’t take action now… See it here.

The word “retirement” brings a few ideal images to mind. Move south. Spend your days reading on the beach, napping by the pool, or sipping a gin and tonic while the sun sets…

But then reality sets in, and it shatters that dream like a cinderblock through a window.

Now, I’m not trying to scare you when I tell you this. The truth is, the majority of the country doesn’t have enough money saved to retire at all. And those who are retiring aren’t living that free and peaceful lifestyle. Instead, most are forced to settle for living on less.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you. I’m here to tell you that the retirement of your dreams is within your reach. All you need is a computer.

Here’s exactly how to save enough money for a stress-free retirement…

Three Simple Trading Mistakes That Could Cost You Millions

I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again – this week was a harsh reminder of what the market is capable of.

When I see wild volatility like this, I start thinking about my core principles when it comes to trading like…

  1. Only look at trades with proven historical patterns.
  2. Stick to the set limit price.
  3. Plan your trade and trade your plan.

And that’s just naming a few.

But when the market gets hit with volatility like we’ve seen recently – there’s something else that’s important to remember…what you shouldn’t do when trading.

So, that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Here’s my big three…

These 10 “Uncertain” Stocks Can Pad Your Wallet

Special Shout-out: A lot of guys in my business have egos the size of planets. Funny thing is, most of them have absolutely nothing to show for it. Garrett Baldwin, however, DESERVES to have an ego. He’s invented the first technology that can help triple your money in as little as 72 hours without investing in a single stock. See what he’s done for yourself right here.

One of the most common fears people have when it comes to trading is risk. And for most investors, risk means only one thing: losing money.

And with things like escalating trade war threats and ongoing tensions out of Washington, we’re seeing a lot of risk both globally and domestically right now.

But just because there’s heightened risk in the stock market doesn’t mean you have to lose money – or sit out altogether – even on the most “uncertain” stocks.

In fact, you can actually cash in on stocks like these – as long as you’re using the right strategy.

And that’s why I’m about to show you the top 10 uncertain stocks in the market right now – and exactly how to play them.

The first one may surprise you…

Uber’s Long-Awaited IPO Could Quickly Turn into Your Biggest Loss

RSVP NOW: This is one of our biggest events of the year… (see why we’re expecting such a massive turnout)

This week, at least 15 companies have priced for IPOs – but there’s only one that I care about…

And that’s Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE: UBER).

Investors have been readying their wallets since the ride-sharing platform filed for its IPO last month. But this morning, the company officially started trading publicly, and it’s expected to be one of the biggest technology IPOs in history.

But don’t get too caught up in the excitement – if you aren’t careful, Uber could end up taking every last penny that you’ve worked so hard to make.

Here’s why

The Single Best Way to Play the Economy’s Recent GDP “Report Card”

Every quarter like clockwork, the talking heads eagerly wait for the gross domestic product (GDP) report to be released.

Now, you can think of GDP like the report card for the country’s economy’s very own “report card” in that it shows the current growth of the economy.

The first quarter GDP report was released, beating economists’ expectations by nearly a whole percent – marking 10 years of economic expansion in July.

But while many investors took this report as an A+ for the economy – the underlying numbers aren’t quite painting the same picture for the future.

And while most are falling for the report’s positive results – if you follow the herd mentality, you could find your wallet completely empty in no time.

Here’s how…