The One and Only Way to Turn A Profit in October

It’s no surprise to anyone when I say 2018 has be a year filled with volatility.

And it seems like it’s not stopping anytime soon. Especially since yesterday the FED raised the interest rates – once again.

On top of this, October is notoriously known to be one of the worst months for the market.

So, I get it when I see many stepping away from the markets altogether.

But the problem is, those investors don’t even realize the kind of profits they’re skipping out on.

Like, for instance, a select group of readers who scored ten winner in one week

And here’s how they did it – and how you can too…

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Double Your Money in an Uncertain Market

No matter what you may have been told by the talking heads in the mainstream media, there’s only one true way to get rich in the stock market – and it’s not the ol’ “buy and hold” strategy.

Now don’t get me wrong…

It’s true that you can make some money investing in stocks and mutual funds. But the most you’re looking at on average (in a good year) is only about a 10% return. And to maximize your profits, you’ll likely need to hang onto those investments for 10, 15, or even 20 years.

Not with options, though. When trading options, you don’t have to wait even a week to capture the kind of profits that’d take those buy-and-hold investors decades to make.

In fact, you can make up to 1,082% total gains on ten winning closeouts in as little as a week… because that’s exactly what a small group of my readers were able to do.

Here’s how…

Back on June 4, I sent my members instructions to open a Loophole Trade using the (CELG) July 20, 2018 $80 call options and the (CELG) July 20 2018 $85 call options. This was based on a strong bullish pattern my Money Calendar pinpointed that had happened every single year, with the exception of 2016, over the past decade:

Now at the time, the stock itself was trading right at $78.65. So imagine trying to get your hands on 100 shares of it. You would’ve needed $7,865 laying around to dump into (CELG) – and would’ve needed to cross your fingers, hoping for the best.

But not us.

My members only had to pay $200 for 100 shares – over a 3,832% discount.

And in a little over a month, we pocketed a 103.92% gains. But we weren’t done there and three days later, we closed the second half of this position for 159.48%

Here’s the best part though, if you did fork out thousands of dollars buying individual shares of the stock, you would’ve only made an 8.97% on your return.

That’s why it’s almost laughable to see all of the lies and misinformation out there about options. They offer an amazing versatility that you can use in a variety of ways to profit from a rise or fall in the underlying market. And in times of high volatility (like right now), they’re a welcome relief from the uncertainties of traditional investing methods.

You can very quickly – and very easily – create a potentially unlimited stream of income by simply adding options to your portfolio. And the best part is… you’re not limited by market direction, either. Whether the market is up, down, or sideways, there’s always a way for you to profit using options.

Folks, this is just one example of how my precise strategy can turn into huge profits.

But as America’s #1 Pattern Trader, it’s my duty to make sure you’re aware of the best cash-generating strategies on the planet.

And when my newest colleague Tim showed me his track record, I nearly fell over. All 32 of his closed positions are winners. Not some, not most, ALL OF THEM.  And as of August 8, 85 of his 87 open positions are up (the vast majority by double and triple digits).

Tim generates one massive win after another because he is one of the few people on Earth who has mastered a particular field of study that no one else in our business can comprehend.

No one can copy it because no one knows how to do it, except for Tim.

That’s why he’s been able to deliver gains of 270%, 350%, 358%, 368%, 623%, and 787% with absolute ease.

Now, he sent me the details behind this incredible strategy – and I want to make sure you know exactly how it works. Click here now to see it all in action.

To your continued success…

Tom Gentile
America’s #1 Pattern Trader

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