Category: Market Indicators

Avoid the “Trend Bite Back” Using This Simple Strategy

One of the first things you learn when you jump into the stock market is to pay attention to what the herd’s doing…

But while it’s true that trends can lead you to some of your biggest wins – they can also rip you away from your profits if you’re not careful.

And that’s exactly why, I’m going to how you how to pick the right trend to fatten your portfolio each and every time.

Here’s what I mean

The Only Thing They’re Not Saying About Nike

We all saw what happened to Nike after they announced their newest ad campaign.

And after weeks of new-highs for the markets, September opened on a weak note – which is exactly how the focus fell on the athletic giant.

But let’s cut to the chase: everyone’s focused on the wrong thing…

And while the talking heads want to boost their ratings over the politics, they’re missing something huge – in fact, it’s the single most important development in this media whirlwind.

And if you miss it – it could cost you millions

The One Strategy You Need to Score Your Next Profit in Today’s Market

As we continue to see, the market is constantly changing.

And it’s easy to get caught up in the fluctuations, especially when it’s your money on the line.

The truth is, you don’t have to spend every waking hour in front of a screen worrying where your trades will go next.

But here’s the thing – waiting idly beside your computer is the last thing you have to do to score major profits.

And this simple strategy is all you need to score your next big profit.

This Long-Term Strategy is The Key to Scoring Your Next Big Summer Profit

With back to school ads on every corner, it’s that time of the year we all dread – the end of summer.

Now, the last thing you want to do is sit in front of a computer waiting for the right moment to grab your profits…

That’s why today I’m going to show you a longer-term strategy that will change the way you trade starting this second.

And you won’t even have to leave your poolside chair